Hi! I'm Wesley Leong.

My pronouns are he/him/his.

I am a fourth-year PhD student in Psychology (Language and Cognition) at the University of Connecticut, advised by Gerry Altmann. I study topics at the intersection of neuroscience, computation, and language.

I'm currently working on a few related questions concerning how we think about events: (1) How do we dynamically build representations of events as language unfolds (for example, as someone's telling you a story), and (2) how do we represent their temporal content? To understand these processes in the mind and brain, I use a combination of behavioral tasks and neuroimaging.

I was previously a research engineer at Halo Neuroscience in San Francisco, where I studied the effects of transcranial electrical stimulation on human performance. Before that, I graduated from New York University with a BS in Neuroscience, where I wrote my thesis in Eric Lang's Lab on time perception in the rat cerebellum. I also did some work in linguistics, including an MEG study in the Neurolinguistics Lab and a project on tense variation in Singapore English.

On a related note, I am from the tiny island nation of Singapore. Fortunately or otherwise, I also boulder sometimes (V12 in your gym).